The prospects of suffering a loss to any aspect of an enterprise can take its toll on staff, management and organizational stakeholders.
Whether as a result of ignorance or oversight, being unprepared for the consequences of a fortuitous event can be debilitating.
In the realm of risk management the 'secret sauce' is being able to accurate identify an organization's exposures and develop a reasonable plan for addressing them.
This requires logic, intuition and careful mapping of strategies coupled with communication and reinforcement protocols designed to #KeepBusinessMovingForward.
Utilizing services of an unbiased resource takes the economic pressures of traditional insurance placement out of play, freeing management to craft programs to address exposures without market influence.
Our services are fee-based and include:
*Risk Assessment & Recommendations - CRM/ARM platform processes
*Safety Engineering - BCSP/OSHA guidelines
*RFP Design Specifications
Contact us: info@alarmc.net.